Pickaway WORKS Student Ambassadors
Students from all county high schools serve as liaisons between the education world and business community, providing input and ideas, volunteering at program events and building a professional network for the future.

Job Shadows
Real world experiences to help students explore career interests, gain valuable insight, expand network connections and build workplace skills for the future.

Pickaway WORKS College and Career Night
Held in the fall in partnership with all county school districts and business partners.

Pickaway WORKS Manufacturing Day
Students tour several local manufacturing facilities and learn first-hand about in-demand, high paying careers in science, engineering, design, robotics, IT, sales, marketing, research and more.

Skilled Trades Fair
Students grades 6-12 learn up close what careers in the skilled trades look like, with over 30 local contractors providing hands-on interactive presentations and displays highlighting these in-demand careers.

Health Science Careers Camp
In partnership with Ohio Health Berger, students have the opportunity to explore a broad range of careers in the Health Science pathway, shadow up to three critical roles within the hospital system, and earn two industry recognized credentials towards graduation.

Mock Interviews
Mock interview sessions and small group workshops on relevant topics to prepare students for success in life after high school.

Educator Business Tours
Small groups of educators visit businesses to learn about career pathways and local opportunities, as well as to connect real world of work scenarios to learning in the classroom.

Critical Thinking Partnerships
Business and community members partner with a classroom teacher to provide real world problem scenarios and allow students to problem solve and develop solutions.

Career Day Events
Career day events in schools where business and community members share information with students and raise awareness about in-demand career opportunities.

First Generation Scholarship
A first-generation college student scholarship, awarded by Pickaway WORKS to one graduating senior at each county high school attending any accredited post-secondary institution, criteria include financial need.

Real Money Real World
Financial literacy curriculum designed by OSU Extension to teach how to live on a budget, presented to all Pickaway County 8th graders.