World Of Real Knowledge and Skills

College and Career Night

October 1, 2024
Logan Elm High School
9511 Tarlton Road, Circleville, OH 43113

All Community Members Welcome – Students, Parents, Adult Learners

Education and employment options from over 100 institutions – local employers, 2- & 4-year colleges & universities, trade schools, all military branches – a one-stop-shop for life after high school!

To reserve your organization’s table and be represented at Pickaway County College & Career Night, please register and pay the $35.00 registration fee.

Contact us at with questions or for more information.

Register Today

This year’s event was a big success with over 300 students and families taking advantage of 65 colleges and 35 employers sharing information on great opportunities and careers! A financial aid presentation helped families learn how to navigate the FAFSA and financial aid process. Student volunteers from each high school served as hosts for the event and made our guest feel welcome.


Pickaway County College & Career Night

Logan Elm High School 9575 Tarlton Rd, Circleville, Ohio, United States

This year's event was a big success with over 300 students and families taking advantage of 65 colleges and 35 employers sharing information on great opportunities and careers! A financial aid presentation helped families learn how to navigate the FAFSA and financial aid process. Student volunteers from each high school served as hosts for the event and made our guest feel welcome.

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